Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Making it count

Instinct and intelligence are not always quantifiable, there's an aspect of the intangible that allows brands to make leaps & bounds as they evolve.

Nobody stood by Walt Disney when he launched his first animated film, he borrowed $500 from his uncle to make the film and everything else was history. There was no business plan or feasibility study - it was his unfaltering belief in himself and what he could offer. By the way if you were the person who lent Walt that money, it would be worth over $1 billion today.

The learning: Not everything that counts can be counted & not everything that can be counted, counts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How true! It is really amazing how the world and business in particular have evolved. The snippet about Walt Disney shows how people are interested in the packaging more than the product itself. Probably this is the only reason why the advertising world has and is growing leaps and bounds.